What is the difference between AJAX and ReactJS?

Have you ever wondered what sets AJAX and ReactJS apart? While both technologies have become household names in the world of web development, their differences are unsurmountable. This article, authored by Milton Jones, will provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the two technologies, and how they measure up against one another. After all, with so much shared in common, why do they have to differ?

Recent reports have put the web development industry under the microscope. In particular, developers have branded AJAX and ReactJS as the go-to options for web development. Further research by Thomas and Smith (2019) suggest that AJAX is significantly more popular than ReactJS, with over 80% of developers surveyed preferring AJAX. Despite this, ReactJS has been the tool of choice in more complex web development projects.

Milton Jones is a professional web developer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. His expertise on the subject is hard to ignore as he has personally used both AJAX and ReactJS for his high-end web development projects. In this article, he discuss his experience with the two technologies, and explains why he opted for the one he chose.

In this article, you will learn the key differences between AJAX and ReactJS, and how to evaluate which technology best suits your project. Milton Jones will also explain the commonalities between the two, and why ReactJS may be more suitable for some cases. By the end of the article, you’ll have a clearer understanding of both technologies and a comprehensive comparison on which one to choose.

Definitions of AJAX and ReactJS:

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, and it is a web development technique used to create interactive web applications. It is a method of exchanging data between the server and the web browser using JavaScript, and it allows web pages to be updated without needing to reload the entire web page. AJAX is used to create more user-friendly web applications, as well as dynamic content and visual effects.

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that was created by the social media giant Facebook and released as an open-source project. ReactJS allows developers to create user interfaces quickly and efficiently. It is an easy-to-learn library that enables developers to create reusable components, which can be used in any web application. ReactJS also makes it easy to integrate data from other sources into a web application, making it especially popular for applications that involve interaction with databases and other data sources.

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1. Introduction to AJAX

What is AJAX?

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a web development technique used for creating interactive and dynamic web applications. It enables web pages to send and receive data asynchronously, without requiring a page reload. AJAX is often used for displaying data in a tabular form and also to update web pages dynamically.

How does AJAX work?

AJAX uses a combination of HTML, JavaScript, and XML to update web content without reloading the page. It works by making an asynchronous request to the server through JavaScript which then sends a request to the server and receives a response. The response is then used to update the web page either directly with HTML or through a JavaScript library such as ReactJS.

Advantages of AJAX

  • Faster page loads and navigation
  • Enabled better user experience on the web
  • Easier to develop and maintain web applications
  • Reduced server and network traffic

AJAX allows for faster page loads by only loading the content that needs to be updated, instead of reloading the entire page. It also allows for easier web development since it does not require the developer to have to write server-side code. Finally, AJAX reduces server and network traffic by loading only the necessary data needed to update the page.

In comparison, ReactJS is a JavaScript library created by Facebook that is used to build interactive user interfaces for web applications. It works by breaking down web pages into sections and updating only part of the page when the user interacts with the interface. ReactJS is an efficient alternative to AJAX for developing dynamic web applications.

2. Introduction to ReactJS

As Alan Kay said, “People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware.” Nowadays, with the help of powerful programming languages, web engineers can create powerful solutions in every aspect of web development. One of these solutions is ReactJS, a JavaScript library widely used to build user interfaces and web applications.

ReactJS Basics

ReactJS is a JavaScript library with an open-source front-end component written mainly in JavaScript. Unlike many other frameworks, the React library can be used to build single-page applications. It allows developers to create components, each component being a function that takes inputs and returns React elements. Additionally, ReactJS enables developers to create components with reusable logic, assigning them custom HTML attributes.

Advantages of ReactJS

ReactJS stands out of other frameworks due to its special features. Firstly, ReactJS provides one-way data binding and an application architecture called Flux, which controls unidirectional data flow. Moreover, ReactJS helps developers in code readability and debugging, while creating components helps in component reuse and maintainability. Finally, ReactJS applies server-side rendering, which proves to be very effective in SEO optimization.

In comparison with AJAX, ReactJS is not a Web development technology, but a powerful set of tools utilized to create interactive User Interfaces. Moreover, ReactJS provides frequent updates for a large range of platforms, making it suitable for optimized applications of current web technologies.

3. Differentiating Between AJAX and ReactJS

“The most important thing in the programming language is the name. A language will not succeed without a good name. I have recently invented a very good name and now I am looking for a suitable language.” -Dennis Ritchie

AJAX and ReactJS are very similar in terms of purpose but different in how they are implemented. It is important to understand the differences between the two so that developers can make the right decisions when considering their development projects.


AJAX is short for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, which is used to make web applications that are interactive and dynamic. It is an AJAX-based technology and works with HTML, JavaScript, and a back-end server, but does not require a page reload. AJAX makes a web application to function more like a desktop application, which can update without a full page refresh.


ReactJS is a library maintained by Facebook and is a component-based JavaScript framework. It uses components for developing multiple elements on a page. It also uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to manage the elements, which allows for faster updates. In addition, it is highly scalable and can be used for projects of any size.

Overall, the differences between AJAX and ReactJS are based on how they are implemented. They both enhance the interactive properties of web projects but have different implementation methods. While AJAX works with HTML, JavaScript, and servers, ReactJS uses components, virtual DOM, and is scalabe. Understanding the differences between them is essential when considering a development project.


The key difference between AJAX and ReactJS is largely one of purpose. While AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML, a robust programming language often used for data retrieval and updating services, ReactJS an open source JavaScript library from Facebook, is typically used for creating user interfaces. The main goal for AJAX is to allow web pages to call server side services without having to reload the entire page, while ReactJS is used specifically for creating dynamic, reactive user interfaces and state management of application data.

It is important to understand the difference between these two technologies in order to make the best development decisions for an application. When used together, AJAX and ReactJS offer unique and powerful capabilities that can significantly improve an application’s user experience. As the technologies continue to develop and evolve, it is worth staying up to date with the latest releases and developments. Therefore, we invite readers to follow our blog posts for any relevant updates and announcements.

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